Helping people
Find and Follow
Jesus Christ
Need Prayer?
Send your prayer requests by clicking above.
You can also join us on Tuesdays at 7pm for our Prayer Meetings in-person in the Faith Center or online on Zoom. Link is provided below.
Foundations Class
Sundays, Oct 6 - Nov 3
If you're a new believer, exploring christianity or want to have a better understanding of the basics, register for this class! Click below to register and get more info!
Oct 12 & 13
Our mission as a church is to help people find and follow Jesus. If God has put someone on your heart to invite to church, we encourage you to invite them this weekend!
Faith & Politics
Saturday, Oct 12
Join us on Saturday, October 12 at 7pm in the Worship Center.
No need to sign up—just come! If you can’t join us in person, please register to receive the Zoom link.
Hugs in Every Stitch
Saturday, Oct 26, 11:30-2:00PM
Join Pamela Hayes as she teaches knitting, crocheting, and sewing. All skill levels are welcome! Together, we'll be making caps for premature babies, helping them meet a critical benchmark
Harvest Festival Volunteers
We need your help! Please sign up here if you can help out with one of the funnest events of the year!
Harvest Festival Amazon Wishlist
Month of October
If you are able to help provide, please click below to see our KidzKrew wish list for all things Harvest Festival! Thank you for your generosity!!