Ohana Ministry

Our Ohana ministry exists to equip families with children in KidzKrew.

To disciple their children in the Word and connect families to community that loves Jesus.

There are events scheduled throughout the year that will engage families both in the community of SBCC and in their role as primary discipler of their children.

Our goal is to help families feel supported and encouraged in their parenting. 




March 9

5:30-7:30pm at church

Parent Konnect - Meet and fellowship with other parents whose child(ren) are in the same grade / classroom as yours! Childcare provided and registration required. 


April 6

4:30-6:30pm in Faith Center 

Ohana Together: Part of Our Educational Family Event Series - Share a meal with other families then enjoy being poured into by Samantha Morey, a licensed family and marriage therapist in the South Bay; childcare provided and registration required. 


May 18

Between services in the grass area

Ohana Konnect - Fellowship opportunity with coffee and donuts to meet families in our church


June - (date, time and location TBD)

Family Serving Opportunity - more details coming soon!


July 13

Between services in the grass area

Ohana Konnect - Fellowship opportunity with coffee and donuts to meet families in our church


July 21-25

Evenings at the church

VBS - Vacation Bible School for ages 4 through 5th grade. Registration opens in May! 


August 10

12:30-2:30pm in the grass area

Backyard BBQ - fellowship, food, fun and games for the whole family!


September 7

5:30-7:30pm at church

Parent Konnect - Meet and fellowship with other parents who are in the same grade / classroom as yours! Childcare provided and registration required. 


**Habits of the Household parenting study growth groups coming in the Fall**


October 5

4:30-6:30pm in the Faith Center

Ohana Together: Part of Our Educational Family Event Series - Share a meal with other families then enjoy being poured into by Samantha Morey, a licensed family and marriage therapist in the South Bay; childcare provided and registration required. 


October 31

Harvest Festival - FREE family event with food, fun and games! Registration required. 


November (date, time and location TBD)

Family Serving Opportunity - more details coming soon!


December 12

Christmas celebration - more details to come!


For questions, please contact: Ohana@southbaycommunitychurch.com