Here is the ACTSION PLAN

Among the many individual goals we may have for ourselves, here is one we can strive for together as a church: To be a people of action. Not just people who love the Bible, but people who live the Bible. Not just people who have found Jesus, but people who follow Jesus. One way to grow as an active church is to observe the Church in Acts. As we spend the next 28 weeks reading and learning about how the church began, and how it began to thrive, may we too see the Spirit move in us today like He moved in them back then. We pray that you’ll spend time each week in a chapter of Acts individually, and then join us collectively as we hear that chapter of Acts preached from our pastors. This is our ACTSION PLAN.


If questions arise while we study through the book of Acts, please submit your questions here! Your questions may not be answered personally, but they might be addressed in the weekend sermon! 


Print the journal, or follow along on a tablet or other device

(Please note, the journal is 256 pages)


Follow along in your own journal using this simplified reading plan.


Discussion Questions For LifeGroup Leaders



Interpretation Resources

  • -Blue Letter Bible: A browser based tool that has multiple translations, commentaries, and more available for free.
  • -Biblehub: A browser based tool that has multiple translations, commentaries, and more available for free.
  • -e-Sword
  • -Logos: Professional Bible software that's powerful with its wide range of resources and capabilities, but it comes with a price. There is a free version available that includes less, but still very helpful resources.
  • -Accordance: Similar to Logos. Has a free version available, but with some spending, you can get some of the best software available.
  • -Bible Project: This website has tons of free videos that walk through every book of the Bible as well as various themes and word studies. 
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